Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Phi + Psi = Pisai ( in hokkien means nose shit a.k.a tahi hidung)

I m totally lost in U…

Lost in P.D.E….

I can’t catch up on what my lecturer taught, he use a lot verbal teaching method… even a long long equation, he just read it and we need to ON our ears clearly… I did ON it…full volume kok… but still hin hin….

The example for the equation (read):

3 w phi phi plus 3 w psi psi plus in bracket 6 p plus 1 w phi plus in bracket 6 q plus 2 sqroot 3 w psi plus in bracket 3 p sqr plus 3 q sqr plus p plus 2 sqroot 3 w equal to zero.


At the end, I only remember Phi+Psi= Pisai


Lecturer: ok…now try to classify… …..bla bla bla….

Students: “????”

Lecturer: yes, do it… NOW…do it…quick…

Jess: ape ni?

Nadiah: huh???

Jess: mcm ni ke?

Eifa: ye kot…

Jess, nadiah, eifa : ENtah la….

Jess: *yawning*

In fact, he is a good lect and showed his hard work in teaching…..

But I can’t learn like that…

Tell me, tell me…who will be my guide??

“Craving my PDE’s book & notes at room lorrrrrrr”


wawaHusin said... baru je ingt nk post sumtin bout PDE kt blog. skali u dh post dh. huahua~

^^Jessic@^^ said...

u ada blog ek? wowo...nice.....i will follow u.....hehe

wawaHusin said...

ada jgk tp jrg2 update. hehe~